Don’t DIY: Why Tree Care is Best Left to the Professionals

Professional tree care - arborist uses chainsaw to trim tree

Caring for your yard and its trees is an essential part of homeownership. However, while most homeowners know how to mow their lawn and pull weeds, caring for trees requires more specialized expertise.

Professional tree care provides the tools and know-how for properly caring for or removing trees. Tree service professionals can cut down huge, heavy branches and dispose of them without hurting anyone or damaging any property. If a tree requires complete removal, the job gets even more difficult. Don’t attempt to trim, prune or remove your trees on your own. Hire a company that performs professional tree services, like Pacific Arboriculture.

Tree trimming professional in tree uses chainsaw to trim branches

Proper Tree Care Adds Value to Your Investment

Trees that have the opportunity to grow and develop can increase the property value of your home. They can provide privacy and shade and add to the overall feeling of comfort at home.

Trees can take a long time to mature to the point that they add value. You can help ensure your trees last longer and develop healthily by keeping them trimmed and pruned correctly. Trimming and pruning mean more than just cutting back unruly branches. It requires the work of a professional who understands the particular needs of your tree species.

Invest back into your property value by enrolling in a monthly professional tree service to maintain and cultivate the trees at your home into mature money-makers.

Professional tree trimmer safely cuts down large tree trunk

The Benefit of Calling Tree Trimming Professionals

Getting help from tree trimming professionals like Pacific Arboriculture ultimately pays you back. Professional tree trimmers have everything needed to do the job quickly and safely.

Professional arborists work on trees every day. We’ve seen all the pitfalls before. We know the warning signs of a potential hazard and can identify them beforehand. Tree trimming professionals know how to spot weak, dead, or rotten branches and safely remove them without hurting your property or damaging the tree. That expertise can save life and limb and can only come from experience.

Tree professionals know the specifics of each tree. Some trees need to be pruned in different places than others. Some trees require trimming more often than others. Some trees harbor pests that unqualified tree trimmers can unknowingly transfer to other trees. Tree trimming professionals have the know-how and experience to avoid all of these issues.

If a tree needs removal, your arborist will know that and can advise you on how to proceed. Then, they can fell the tree safely without it crashing onto your house or flattening your car.

Professional tree trimmers also have the tools needed to reach all the branches of a tree, even the limbs at the very top. They also have all the gear to chop up trunks and branches, grind out stumps, and haul all trimmed limbs and tree debris away.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of hiring a professional tree trimmer is the money they can save you by helping you avoid the costly mistakes people often make when taking a DIY approach to their tree care.

Five Problems You Can Avoid By Hiring a Professional Tree Pruning Service

Fallen tree on top of car shows the dangers of improper tree care

Injury and Death

Trimming trees is dangerous. Untrained and inexperienced people attempting to prune their own trees put themselves in danger in various ways.

Improperly securing a limb or tree before cutting it can result in heavy branches falling from above. They can hit anyone or anything, including powerlines and the ladder the person is standing on. Failing to identify a diseased or rotten branch can lead to poor foot placement. If the limb gives way, you could fall from a great height.

Avoid putting yourself and your family at risk. Use professionals to trim your trees.

Home damaged by fallen tree

Property Damage

Falling heavy branches like those described in the section above can crash down onto anything. Many are heavy enough to cause severe damage, even to a solid structure like your house. Falling limbs can break windows, crush cars, and even put a hole right through your roof.

Without experience, determining how heavy a branch will be after it’s cut can be difficult. Be sure your tree limbs are adequately secured before cutting them by hiring a professional tree care expert.

Large tree trunk with damage and rot

Tree Damage

Improper trimming can damage trees, leaving them vulnerable to disease and death. Trimming with a dull or dirty blade can increase a tree’s healing time and invite infection. So can trimming a tree in the wrong place.

Damaged and dead trees create hazards and eyesores on your property. Work with tree service experts to avoid damaging your trees while pruning them.

tree care professional uses chainsaw to cut large tree trunk

Unexpected Expenses

A tree trimming project can expand quickly and get out of hand. Many homeowners begin with good intentions only to discover they don’t have the suitable ladders, trimmers, saws, or safety equipment to do the job.

Homeowners then must choose between investing in tools and machinery, some quite expensive, for a job they don’t know how to do or doing the job poorly due to lack of the proper tools. Either option could become costly. Don’t take that risk. Get help from professional tree pruners.

Broken tree trunk next to stop sign

Future Hazards

Attempting to trim trees without knowing how to identify various tree damage types can set up future dangers.

One of the main reasons for trimming trees is to remove potentially hazardous limbs. That means cutting out dead or diseased branches. Do you know what those look like? Can you identify branches that aren’t dead yet, but show signs of dying that need to be addressed?

Inexperienced tree pruning can leave soon-to-be dead limbs hanging hazardously overhead. Avoid that potential by working with experts who provide professional tree care.

Call Pacific Arboriculture for Expert Tree Care in Seattle

Pacific Arboriculture is home to licensed, bonded, and certified arborists. We perform professional tree care service every day throughout the Seattle area. We’re happy to help keep the people of Washington safe by taking on the dangerous job of trimming your trees.

Trust the tree care professionals at Pacific Arboriculture. Contact Pacific Arboriculture today for a free estimate.