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Tree Health Management & Plant Healthcare

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Tree Health Management & Plant Healthcare

Ensure the well-being of trees & plants on your property with our healthcare management.

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Your Tree’s Health is Our Priority

Investing in tree health management is one of the most important things you can do to help your tree live a long, healthy life. What is tree health management? It is the complete care of a tree during every stage of its life cycle. This includes pruning, soil and root care, insect and disease diagnosis, treatments, planting, consulting, and more.

Because we recognize the importance of this service, the Pacific Arboriculture team is excited to offer plant healthcare services in Seattle. We are proud to team up with Arborjet to provide effective plant solutions and formulations to help care for and save trees.

professional arborist looks at tree in washington to determine what's wrong with it

What’s Wrong With My Tree?

Our arborist team is well-trained to determine your tree’s issues and can quickly assemble a treatment plan. Here are some common things to watch if you suspect your tree has a problem.

Common Tree Diseases to Watch Out For

tree branch with dutch elm disease

Dutch Elm Disease – Dutch elm disease commonly infects American and European elm trees. If your tree has this disease, it will show signs of wilting, yellowing, and browning. You’ll also find purplish discoloration in the sapwood under the bark. If not treated, the tree will eventually die.

yellowing tree leaves with oak wilt disease

Oak Wilt – Trees infected with oak wilt will show signs of leaf discoloration and even death in a short period. Fungal mats will form on the bark, causing cracking. In addition, limbs will fall off, and the tree will die if left untreated.

apples on a tree with apple scab disease

Apple Scab – One of the first signs of apple scab is brownish-green spots on the leaves or fruit. If the infection isn’t treated, spots on the fruit will become darker and more prominent. Leaves will also turn yellow and begin to fall off.

tree branch with fire blight disease

Fire Blight – Some of the first symptoms of fire blight are early death of flowers with green shoots next to the flower petiole. The bacteria can quickly move into the wood and twigs of the lateral branches, causing black cankers. Leaves turn brown and begin to shrivel.

Bug Infestations

Tree with spotted lanternfly invasion - plant healthcare

Unfortunately, many bugs can cause problems with trees. In Washington, bronze birch borers, winter moths, emerald ash borers, citrus and Asian longhorned beetles, and sirex woodwasps are some of the most common. To determine if your tree has a bug issue, look for holes in the bark or leaves, yellowing leaves, sawdust, twig dieback, and discoloration of leaves or needles.

Diagnosing Your Tree

arborist near seattle does tree healthcare assessment on residential property

There are a few things to watch for that could signal a problem in your trees. Watch for changes to leaves, bark abnormalities, dead branches, early leaf drop, yellowing, leaning, leaf discoloration, cracking, damaged roots, and more. Your tree’s symptoms can help you diagnose the problem. Need help with diagnosing your trees? Pacific Arboriculture will be happy to help.

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Certified Through Arborjet

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Arborjet offers extensive learning opportunities to help your trees become as healthy as possible. All the practices we learn through Arborjet have the backing of published research and have proven to be effective and safe tree solutions.

Arbor RX healthy soils, healthy trees

Choose Pacific Arboriculture

In your search for fast and efficient tree health management in Seattle, consider Pacific Arboriculture. Whether you’re looking for tree removal in the greater Seattle area or even firewood for sale, we’re the plant healthcare experts who can tackle the problems in your yard. Contact us today!

Get a Free Consultation

Our goal has always been and always will be to promote the health and beauty of your trees while ensuring the safety and value of your home and property. Our services, including tree removaltree pruningfirewood, and emergency tree services, are renowned throughout Washington State.

We offer no-cost, no-obligation quotes.

When you choose our expert tree services, one of our ISA Certified Arborists will walk through your property, listen, note your concerns, and make professional recommendations. Call us today to receive a quote in writing with a 100% performance guarantee.

Licensed. Bonded. Insured.

Washington Contractor License: PACIFA*813KG

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Superior tree service from planting & pruning to removal & replacement

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(206) 909-2170

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