When is the Best Time to Cut Down a Tree?

Trees cut down next to a house by a professional tree removal company

Trees are an essential part of our environment and contribute to the beauty of our property. However, sometimes you’ll need to remove a tree from your yard. You may need to get rid of a dead tree or take out a tree to make room for a new deck. Whatever the reason for cutting down your tree, take precautions before you go out chopping.

There are several things you should understand about tree removal to do it safely and efficiently. One factor many homeowners overlook is whether right now is the best time to cut down trees.

This guide will go over when to cut down a tree on your property and other important things to consider before removing trees from your property.

The simplest way to remove a tree is with help from a professional. Pacific Arboriculture offers residential tree services in Washington and tree removal near Seattle. Contact us when you need to remove a tree.

How to Know When to Cut Down a Tree

Before we dive into when is the best time to cut down a tree, let’s discuss the most common reasons people need to cut down trees on their property.

Any of the following could mean a tree needs to be cut down:

Diseased tree in need of tree removal by Seattle tree company

Diseased Trees

A diseased tree on your property is one of the most common reasons for tree removal. An infected tree can spread disease to other trees and plants in the area, causing significant damage. If you notice signs of disease, such as dead branches, discolored leaves, or fungus growing on the trunk, it’s time to remove the tree before it causes any more damage.

Natural disaster causes tree to fall on property

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados, or lightning strikes can cause significant damage to trees. When a tree is damaged, it can pose a threat to your property or the people around it. Removing a tree that has been damaged by a natural disaster is crucial to ensure the safety of your home and family.

Invasive tree roots cause issues in asphalt

Invasive Roots

Invasive roots can cause significant damage to your property, such as cracking foundations, sidewalks, and driveways. If you notice that the tree’s roots are damaging your property, it’s time to remove it.

Overgrown tree in need of removal covers home entrance

Property Space Concerns

Sometimes, trees can become too big for the space they are in. They can obstruct paths or take up too much room in your garden. If your tree is becoming too big for its space, it’s time to remove it.

When is the best time to cut down a tree?

Now that we have covered the most common reasons for tree removal, let’s discuss the best time to cut down trees. The answer to this question depends on several factors.

The first factor to consider is the tree species. Some species, such as pine trees, can be cut at any time of the year. Others, like maple trees, are best cut during the winter month because it’s their dormant season. Cutting down trees during their dormant season ensures that the tree will not be actively growing, making it easier to remove.

Another factor to consider is the weather. It’s best to cut down trees on dry days with calm weather. Windy or rainy weather can make it dangerous to remove trees, as it can cause the tree to fall in unexpected directions, posing a threat to people and property.

Certified arborist cuts down tree in washington state

Things to Consider When Cutting Down a Tree on Your Property

Now that you know when to cut down a tree on your property, here are some other important things to consider before doing so:

Stack of tree permits on desk next to plant


Before cutting down a tree, check with your local city agencies to see if you need a permit. Some cities or towns require permits for tree removal, especially if the tree is located near a sidewalk or roadway.

Professional arborist in Washington puts pruned tree branches in woodchipper

When to Bring in a Professional

While cutting down a tree yourself may be tempting, hiring a professional like Pacific Arboriculture, is always best. Cutting down a tree can be dangerous, especially if you don’t have experience or the right equipment. Professional tree removal companies have the necessary tools and expertise to remove trees safely and efficiently.

Having Tree Problems? Pacific Arboriculture Can Help

Knowing when to cut down a tree is essential to ensure the safety of your property and family. Consider the factors discussed above before cutting down a tree. Or simplify the whole process and hire a professional.

If you live in Washington and have concerns about a tree on your property, Pacific Arboriculture can help. We offer tree removal near Seattle. Our team of professional arborists can assess your trees and provide the right advice for removing them safely and efficiently. We are committed to ensuring your trees and property remain healthy and safe.

Contact Pacific Arboriculture today about all your tree removal needs in Auburn, Federal Way, Tacoma, and more.

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